There’s an idea that in order for life to feel good, we need to be free to do anything we like. To have almost infinite free time.
It seems for some this wish was granted, in part at least, by the lockdowns of 20/21. Those on furlough paid 80% of their salary to stay away from work and do whatever they liked.
As one client of mine pointed out, this is how a lot of people had envisaged retirement. We then both agreed we needed to make sure our later lives would feel far more fulfilling.
The current situation is allowing us to see that we need to make our own meaningful lives.
It seems there are many people who are very bored and feeling a sense of imprisonment, even solitary confinement for some.
I totally empathise and appreciate it’s a very tough situation. It is however a way to gain an insight for the present and future.
It takes effort to do anything. Yet doing something is what gives us purpose and meaning. There’s only so long we can feel “good” wasting time.
We all need to feel we’re growing, building & being useful, in balance with relaxation & rest.
We don’t know how long lockdown will last, so find a few more projects to get your mind and body around. It will allow you to spend your time & feel fulfilled.