If you’re looking for a some extra support in life, perhaps not ready for therapy or coaching, the NST Wellbeing Coach app would be a great place to start improving your wellbeing & contentment.
It’s an App that guides you through the key ideas, tips & techniques that you would come across when working with me.
Even if you are already a client of mine, or working with someone else, you’ll find the Wellbeing Coach will complement what you’re already doing.
It’s a calm, relaxing space to explore & learn what would make your life feel better.
It covers a range of topics to help you enhance your physical & mental health.
You’ll find that you can use the Wellbeing Coach at your pace. There’s engaging content if you have 5 minutes or 30 minutes, if you’re commuting or have time to relax at home & go into more depth.
It’s designed so you can dip in & out to suit your needs.
To find out more, either click the button below to go straight to the App, or visit the dedicated website – www.nstwellbeingcoach.com