This seems to be a fairly common theme for a lot of people.
That they’re hoping something, often not created by them, will happen to make their life feel better.
They have an idea that there will be a lucky break at some point.
The truth is, even if opportunities do arise you need to be ready to take them.
To be interested & curious to see where things can lead.
You may discover that something you’ve followed up hasn’t led anywhere in particular. That’s fine, as even just doing something for yourself will feel better than doing nothing.
If you can, do things today.
A lot of people will start it tomorrow, whatever it is. Then of course, there’s always another tomorrow.
The sooner you take action to at least research the thing your interested in, the sooner you might be able to actually do it.
This is how you’ll make your life feel meaningful & purposeful. Get momentum going.
To feel you’re filling it with good, interesting stuff. Not waiting for others to suggest/do it for you.
This is how to feel empowered. To know you’re capable & competent of meeting your needs.