To be fair it’s more about how we decide what Less and More actually are. It’s probably helpful to think of it in ways of doing less of things you don’t like and more of things you do.
This is somewhat a perennial theme of mine, but it needs to be constantly considered as I believe it’s key to contentment. Which is the aim of my game!
I’ll leave it open to personal interpretation as to what’s what for you, but you need to be as aware of what you do and don’t like as possible. This way you have a chance to steer your life towards a balance that feels right for you.
It’ll take some determination, thought and investment in yourself to work towards and then maintain this balance. However, it’s incredibly worth it. For both mental and physical wellbeing.
We’re just coming out of an incredibly unusual period of time. We’ve been asked to do behaviours we wouldn’t normally do and impose restrictions on ourselves. We’ve by and large managed it, which is no mean feat. We now need to attend to how we build our near future.
This is the ideal time to take stock of what you want more and less of. You can then create a lifestyle almost from scratch to accommodate these ideas and preferences. Experiment, see what works and tweak what doesn’t.
We all have a great opportunity to examine what we once thought was the norm, and create a new norm that fits us better. Make the most of it…
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