Put it down pt2…
In the last post I talked about getting good sleep as part of your self-care. This time I’d like to assist you in thinking about what you do during your waking hours.
If you’re taking care of your body, getting better quality sleep, it’s now time to tweak the things you do in your day time.
I would suggest that you find at least 10 to 15 minutes every few, if not every hour to ease up and rest. I would encourage you to do that without any devices, to just empty your mind and be. It might be whilst you make a drink or just stare out the window. I’m nudging you to take a few minutes to do very little in terms of activity, but to enjoy that time to refresh. To allow your body and mind to calm for a little while.
This is something I would aim to do when I get a chance in the day. I appreciate in all our lives there won’t literally be a moment every hour to stop and be. However, I suspect in most hours there is. Even if you’re mid flow, you can take a therapeutic break to be calm. It’s amazing how beneficial it feels to just slow life for a little while. To show you that you can take a pause, life isn’t that manic.
Beyond these micro rests, I would ask you to look at the balance in your life between work, play and rest. You need more rest than you might imagine. Get the balance right and you’ll feel content and well.