Put it down…
Yep, your phone, tablet or laptop.
Which is of course mildly ironic as you’re reading this blog on it, but you can put it down after you’ve read these few words.
Mental health awareness is now, thankfully, getting a decent amount of traction out in the world. This is a very good thing. We all need to pay more attention to our self-care when it comes to our minds.
We’re now accustomed to taking care of our bodies, we hit the gym, do yoga/pilates, eat healthily maybe even get a massage every so often.
However, the way to take of our mind is lagging behind. Most people still seem to treat their brains as an indestructible organ. That there’s no need for proper sleep, or to really relax and switch off (hence the nudge above).
The good news is what I’m suggesting is pain free and simple. Set yourself a good bedtime routine, unwind for about an hour without a device. Don’t drink caffeine or alcohol a good few hours before bed. Don’t eat or drink a couple of hours before bed, so that your body is relaxed and not processing anything. Read/flick through something easy and relaxing, then click the light off and drift into a decent sleep (aiming for 8hrs).
In your waking hours, make moments to switch off. To either take time to yourself (maybe just stare out the window for a few minutes) or have a chat with someone. Keep it light and easy.
Take care of your mind and it’ll take care of you.