It might seem pointless to focus on the little things in life. Surely we should be aiming at the next career move, the bigger house, faster car & next holiday?
However, when you start to take notice & care of the little stuff, life feels fuller & more contented.
The little things are the daily items that you have direct control over. Whereas the bigger items are often way down the track & will be subject to random events.
I would encourage you to raise your awareness of everything you do. I can assure you that there are choices to be made minute by minute. When you realise this, you become empowered to shape your life.
For example you get to set the time you get out of bed, what you have for breakfast, how you start your day. These concepts are at a high level too, within these there are many choices to be made too.
I could see how some might initially find this overwhelming. But if you can get your mind around the idea that you can pick what feels best for you, it will start to feel empowering.
This is how I get to feel I have a content life and enhance my wellbeing.
Everything I do feels like a choice.
You can feel the same & enhance your wellbeing.