It’s been a while since we entered lockdown here in the UK and I suspect the novelty has worn off, what initially seemed an odd but nice break is starting to feel less desirable.
Although, perhaps you’ve found a way to make it work for you. If so, please share your success with others so they too can find their way through this tricky time.
Those that are continuing to struggle, take some time to figure out what you’re finding most difficult. You can then focus your efforts on tweaking and improving this/these areas. This might be social isolation, weight gain/lack of exercise or maybe boredom.
Another key issue that’ll be starting to escalate is tensions in houses that are not normally so tightly packed. This needs attention and ways to dissipate frustrations found. I suggest that a key could be to ensure that people find ways to make time for themselves. This could be by using headphones, sitting in different rooms or physically leaving the home environment.
We all need our own space. We also need to be considerate to those around us. In our current lockdown situation our actions are likely to have more direct impacts that usual. Whilst attempting to meet your needs, ensure you think how meeting them might infringe on others meeting theirs.
Compromise and collaboration will see us through these often testing times.
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