It’s only a recent idea that work ought to be rewarding. Pretty much up until the turn of the 20th Century, work was something to be endured. Very much as means to an end, generally to stay alive.
It’s interesting that as the 20th century and now the 21st wore and ware on, we’re expected to find roles that fulfil us, as well as provide for us.
From my perspective, I see how this shift has the ability to both make life feel far more rewarding (if you find that role) and also make us feel miserable (when we’re in a role that we can no longer stand).
I’m not sure the only answer is to keep searching for the illusive ideal role, as that in itself can bring discontent. When another role turns out to dash our hopes, it’s soul destroying, as we’re expecting to find the role that’s really “us”.
I think the balanced approach is to continue to be aware of finding a role that fits well. Whilst accepting that we might have to do some roles that “just pay the bills”. These less ideal roles will still be able to teach us new skills and ways to deal with difficulty. Whilst they have merit in enabling life beyond the workplace.
Overall contentment in all aspects of life is the key to wellbeing.
Finding ways to make some of the less ideal aspects of life manageable will go a long way to creating contentment.
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