Does it buy you happiness?
In a nutshell, no!
It might buy you security and potentially opportunities, but that’s about it.
I often get people who come to see me who hope if they work a bit harder, longer or smarter they’ll make more money. Then they hope they’ll be happy. Or as I prefer, content. Sadly, this isn’t the case. Which has been shown through numerous studies, experiments and lived experience.
I believe what people are really trying to do is buy time and means to have enjoyable experiences. Ironically in the pursuit of the money to make this the case they sacrifice the time they desperately want.
I’m not against money in the slightest, it’s very useful stuff, it’s just the pursuit of it is not what I recommend for a contented life. For that you need to find your personal balance of earning enough to be comfortable and time to enjoy your life. Most people can imagine being sat with friends and family having a great time, but not the fun they’d have with just a pile of cash on a table.
Money doesn’t equal happiness. Time spent doing things you love with people you love and that love you brings contentment. Bare that in mind next time you consider working late, make sure you’re doing it for the best reasons.