The world seems intent on popping all of us into a variety of categories.
To be fair, there often seems good reason to do so. It seems a way to reduce the thought power we use when we encounter new, or even known people.
Unfortunately though, it’s often at the expense of really getting to know someone and avoiding judgement. It takes time to actually listen to someone, to get to hear what they have to say and think.
It is however, investment we need to put in if we’re to get the most out of our interactions with people. We’re great at paying lip service to “not judging a book by it’s cover”, but not so good in practice.
I have discovered though, especially in my profession, that by taking the time to listen we can uncover great depth and stories that people have to tell.
No one person who comes to see me is the same, not even slightly. We all have our own personal pasts, experiences and narratives. This clearly applies to every human on the planet.
So please, do your best to avoid shortcuts. Take the time (it’s likely to only be minutes) to get to know those you encounter. It’ll be a rewarding experience for all of us.