The world is complex, therefore they way we need to respond will most likely look messy.
Intriguingly humans often wish to tame the complex & make it simple.
Sadly what normally happens is that a simple solution only fits a very narrow problem & only for a few people.
We need to get better at appreciating the world is complex & working with that.
Not trying to fight the complexity into tight & neat order. It’s a losing battle.
Embrace variety & diversity.
Not because it’s “in” to do so, but because it’s so valuable to do so.
The beauty of working with those around you, be it a team at work or friends & family, is that each person brings their own skill set & ideas.
These can combine to create ideas & outcomes we couldn’t do alone.
Learn that you & those around you have the skills to tackle the unknown.
There’s no need to tame & constrain our world.
Learn to enjoy & be inspired by the complexities of life.
Think of those you most enjoy spending time with, they’re most likely to be a complex person with lots of ideas & insights.
We can learn to enjoy being challenged, to consider different viewpoints. To be stimulated by other ways of doing things.
Accept that humans are generally messy in their own ways & celebrate it.