The danger is that we confuse resilience with “strength”.
That we need to be strong to get through life.
That we need to be able to get by on our own efforts alone.
This can often lead to becoming overwhelmed, as we attempt to tackle all that comes our way unsupported.
Resilience is a wider concept than strength.
It involves being able to carry on facing life’s challenges whilst maintaining wellbeing.
This means that we need to be able to rely on others to assist us. To collaborate with others to enhance the lives of all those concerned.
It can also mean educating ourselves with all the knowledge we can to assist us in making the best choices we can in any given moment.
There’s also a need for self-care. Because if we’re totally drained, we won’t have the energy to tackle what comes our way.
If we work on enhancing our wellbeing, we are likely to have greater ability to engage with & enjoy life. Whatever comes our way.
We can all learn to listen to ourselves, to figure out how to increase our total wellbeing. Make time to do those things that will boost your contentment & you will become more resilient as a result.