Passive vs Active
Time to have a think/notice of how much you do actually feels “active”. This means getting into a state where you’re actively engaged. Be it from a good conversation, an artistic endeavour, sport, to a work task. To essentially find yourself in a state of “flow”, where you lose yourself in what you’re doing.
The more of that in your life, the more engaged you’re likely to feel and the more wellbeing you’re likely to experience.
As always, there’s a balance to be struck. There certainly is space in our lives for passive moments, to rest and recuperate. You’ll find overall wellbeing comes from the balance of passive and active endeavours that suits you. As ever, there’s no right or wrong, just individual preference.
I’d invite you to take time to feel and think about what you like doing and seeing if you’d count those things as “active”. Do you find yourself getting lost in those things? Time just seems to “flow” past. Make sure you get a good number of these things in life, so that life feels purposeful and engaging. Preferably on a daily basis.
If you discover there’s not much you’re doing that’s engaging, you need to take a look at why not. Find time to consider what you’d like to do and start to build it into your days and weeks. It’ll then naturally be reinforced as an engaging task. It doesn’t have to be obviously “enjoyable”, just engaging and potentially rewarding. It will make life feel more lived.
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